Never Had Been
Originally posted on Medium

Pacing through a glass castle of mine
That is shattered in all but a second
At once when one is hit in the face by the chilling storm outside
How can you be mine but yet never have been mine
Feeling threatened in the most primal way
I’m alone, irrevocably so, irreversibly so
Even when engulfed in your arms
Listening to your heart beats so close
I hear your words but they fall empty
For I no longer feel them
Having been fooled, oh so thoroughly
And alone I pace, alone I walk and pick up the shatters
Of what our relationship was supposed to be
No longer worthwhile, an illusion that was as real to be almost palpable, yet so truly unreal in its core
Like a dream that could’ve been but just wasn’t
Why’d you drop the nest we were building?
For the briefness of pleasure you destroyed what could’ve been, perhaps, a lifetime
And now there’s no way to go back
Hard as I try and you try
There’s no way to go back
Even if I ardently wish there was
For there is no where where I can be
With my head held high and clasp your arms at the same time
And often there’s no will for the heart is tired
Of being let down, taking apart a cobweb of lies
Discovering you in a different light
Every day
Sinking in the slow realization that who I loved never existed
Your image in my mind, once elegant,
Crumbling to a tiny ball of paper to be cast away in trash
That all I saw was a shadow I desired to see
In the shells of a frail, small, old skeleton that is unremarkably you
You never had been the man I wanted or adored or respected
You never had been the man I thought I held close
You never had been and we never had been.
One can only be hurt so much and then numbness takes over
Whoever said that the opposite of love was hate?
For the opposite of love is indifference,
Stone, cold, unyielding indifference
That is taking over my heart, freezing it into stone,
Unfeeling and cold and indifferent
And closed to you
Decidedly beyond your reach.