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Tied up angel, wings battered
Shackled by the ankles
I lay rotting in the dirt
Among worms and spiders
Helpless and desolate
Like a forgotten ghost in the ceiling
But then I mustered my will,
Chewed up the chains
And through the broken attic window
I climbed
Cut my wings on the glass
Yet jumped into the moonlight
And took flight into an unknown
With broken chains on my ankles
Leaving the darkness behind
To a place worthy of me
I flew and flew, alone
Scared of falling to fatigue
Yet determined to not return
Wounded and bleeding and parched
Longing to see a bloody red daybreak
At last
With sweaty palms I waited
For the rays of the sun to balm my tired limbs
Suddenly the light hit my pupils
And my eyes, used to darkness, flinched
The warmth engulfed me
Spreading over my body
Closing my open wounds
My wings mended in a translucent glow
My parched skin now healed
I let go of the pain in my heart
And I took flight
In one fell swoop
Into the sun and the blinding light
Breathing in freedom
To a dawn of hope and pride
I broke free and I rose
I rose and I rose